Bridging the Confidence Gap with Enterprises

Learn the levers of growing the top line for your organization One of the issues a startup faces is the notion that they are too small for Enterprises. Young startups often face an uphill battle when trying to win the trust and confidence of enterprise customers. The most typical set of objections from Enterprises are […]

Key Metrics to follow for B2B PMs

How to orient yourself to become a revenue centric PM As a product manager, do you follow the company’s financial metrics? In both my previous jobs, I used to diligently follow the company numbers. Each quarter, our CEO or CFO would present the performance and health of the company. I used to note down these […]

B2B customers need more than a product

Ingredients for successfully working with B2B customers. Let’s discuss the nuances of building product for B2B and Enterprise customers. This is especially helpful for startups building in this space. You are building a B2B product. That’s great.But customers don’t want your product. They want a solution. What’s the difference? Let’s illustrate with an example. Imagine […]

A band aid is better than bleeding

Trade offs in short term vs long term decisions Recently I have been thinking about trade offs in product. The discussion about trade offs is something that is not spoken about much. I was watching Season 3- Episode 5 of “Halt and Catch Fire”. The two startup co-founders are arguing about a software issue which […]

Defending your B2B Product against revenue threats

How to stay ahead of threats to your product We build and launch products that customers love, and grow our revenues. We then hope that the customers will continue to shower their love for our product and continue to renew. In real life, your product is under constant threat. And hence it is critical to […]

Product drivers that impact profitability

As a PM, you can contribute to making your product profitable Hi PMs This week I reached 250 subscribers to this newsletter. Currently, the open rate is between 45-50% which is decent. Thank you for subscribing. If you want to know more about me, take a look at my previous post. Link at the bottom […]

Churn to Earn – products role in managing retention

How B2B Product Management Drives Business Growth by Improving Customer Retention In an earlier posts I had discussed the 6 levers of growth that a product manager has at their arsenal. When we say growth, we mean the growth of your business i.e revenue. Which lever is relevant depends on the stage of your company […]

An experience with customer experience

Your product is end to end experience a customer experiences In this article, I wanted to share an awesome experience I had with a product and how it influenced my thinking about product management. In December 2020, I bought the Tesla Model 3. It’s a great car with high usability and technical features. If you […]

You have a product, I need a solution

As a product manager, we read a lot about the need for a solution by the customer. So when we build a product, why does it not just work. The general reason that comes back is that the customer needs a solution. Wait, didn’t we just build that? Not quite. There is a subtle difference […]

The ugly truths of Enterprise B2B sales

How to mitigate pitfalls of early sales by startups In my Big 5 consulting years, I had worked with many large enterprises. My clients had ranged from Fujitsu, Agilent, Cisco, Freescale Semiconductors, Epson, Microsoft, Expedia and others. As a junior I was responsible for strategy, design, implementation and got to learn a lot about how […]