Hiring and interviewing for the right fit

A guide to hire product managers with a fit mindset Hiring is a tough challenge. More so for an early stage startup. Not only do you need the right skill set, you also need the right mindset.  Early stage startup carry a lot of ambiguity and vagueness while you are proving your product and business […]

Finding the fit in Product Managers and their Ethos

How to know if a company or a hire is a fit based on their traits or ethos Every individual has a personal ethos that guides their behaviors and actions. These are the traits and personalities that make us human. If you take two people and give them a similar challenge or circumstance, the way […]

How company cultures impact your performance

Learn to navigate the hidden culture in your organization Organizations have their own set of unwritten rules, beliefs, values, and behaviors that shape their culture. These hidden cultures and norms can have a significant impact on how you perform. When we speak of culture, it’s not just the free lunches, the gym and the perks […]

Communicating product value to internal and external stakeholders

Getting alignment across internal groups As a Product Manager, one would think that your job is done when you have finished the specifications for a feature or a new product. Engineering will build and test and maybe you might do a spot check to confirm. On to the next feature. In reality, your job is […]

Growth strategies for product managers

A framework for identifying growth opportunities As a Product Manager, your main goal is to grow the business. Your product is your medium through which you grow the business. While there are roles specifically targeted towards growth, my firm belief is that every product manager needs to have growth as their core job. Now there […]

Maximizing Product Success through Effective Stakeholder Management

Product managers guide to working with internal stakeholders Stakeholder management is a key skill for all B2B SAAS product managers. We work closely with engineering and design in order to design, build and launch our products. But there are many other stakeholders that we must work with closely. In my experiences, I touched almost every […]