Building new products in existing companies by Tanguy Crusson

Existing companies have an advantage. They have customers.

So building new products should be easy.

Wrong. Even big companies can falter.

Your segments, the competition the industry dynamics can all be different.

As someone who has built 0-1 products both in startups and in mature companies, I have had my share of success and non-success.

So is there a formula to what will succeed in existing companies.

I am not sure.

But you can learn more in this recent Lenny episode with Tanguy Crusson of Atlassian. He talks about Hipchat and other new products.

I was a Hipchat user, and then moved to Slack. Initially, I thought it was the pleasant experience and the high level of integrations that made Slack better. But Hipchat cold have done the same.
In this episode there are some interesting lessons about assumptions and validation, even within a large company with a captive set of customers.
Here is the link. Hard-won lessons building 0 to 1 inside Atlassian | Tanguy Crusson (Head of Jira Product Discovery)

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