Becoming a whole product manager

B2B product managers should embrace whole product thinking As a B2B product manager, you are primarily responsible for building the right product for your ideal customer that provides them value. In order to ensure that your customer is able to extract the desired value, just relying on the core product features is not enough. You […]

Sources of Competitive Analysis for B2B product managers (Part 2)

Where and how to gather competitive information Part 2 In the first part of this article series on competitive analysis, we discussed the importance of conducting competitive analysis and what type of information to gather. In this article, we discuss where and how to get the relevant competitive information. How to obtain competitive information? So […]

Competitive Analysis for B2B product managers (Part 1)

Importance of being competitive aware and the types of intel to gather Part 1 The common adage for B2B SAAS (or any business for that matter) is not to care about your competitors. Legendary companies like Apple and Amazon have said that they are relentlessly focused on the customer. If you are customer obsessed you […]

Differences in Product Management in startup vs mature product teams

I had the fortune of working in B2B Product Management in a startup (6 years) as well as slightly larger companies (7+ years). Product management is very different in these two sized companies. For the sake of definition, I consider startup to be pre product market-fit and a larger company that has found PM fit […]

Importance of personas in product design

How to use personas in creating a compelling product experience In this article, we delve into a critical aspect that sets the foundation for building successful products: personas. As a product manager, you know that understanding your users is key to crafting experiences that resonate, solve their problems, and drive business growth. Personas are the […]

The power of starting up in a niche

How to select the right niche to start up I was an early employee and a first product hire at iCharts, a data visualization startup. At that time, we were not sure who our ideal customer will be. We had a basic MVP-ish software already built. Something we could show around to customers. But where […]

Not all pain points are worth solving

How customers use ladder of pain points to spend on solutions In today’s digital landscape, Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions have become essential tools for enterprises across industries. With a plethora of options available, enterprises face the challenge of deciding where to allocate their budget and resources. In this blog post, we will explore […]

The 7 disciplines of a mature B2B Product organization

How to build a successful B2B product organization In the realm of B2B product management, success hinges upon your ability to stay ahead of the curve, align your strategies with customer needs, and leverage emerging trends to drive growth. To achieve this, it is crucial for B2B product teams to master seven key disciplines that […]

Hiring and interviewing for the right fit

A guide to hire product managers with a fit mindset Hiring is a tough challenge. More so for an early stage startup. Not only do you need the right skill set, you also need the right mindset.  Early stage startup carry a lot of ambiguity and vagueness while you are proving your product and business […]

Finding the fit in Product Managers and their Ethos

How to know if a company or a hire is a fit based on their traits or ethos Every individual has a personal ethos that guides their behaviors and actions. These are the traits and personalities that make us human. If you take two people and give them a similar challenge or circumstance, the way […]